Андрей Смирнов
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Как восстановить доступ к кошельку вебмани

Инструкция по замене

Возможность поменять пароль предусмотрена в интерфейсе любого WebMoney Keeper (через браузер либо программу). Нужно зайти в настройки безопасности, придумать новый и подтвердить изменения. Рассмотрим пошагово эту процедуру на примере кипера WebPro Light:

  1. Авторизуйтесь в системе.
  2. Нажмите на значок настроек в правом верхнем углу.
  3. Зайдите во вкладку «Безопасность».
  4. Щелкните по кнопке «Изменить пароль».
  5. Дважды введите новый.
  6. Введите код подтверждения из смс.
  7. После этого вы будете возвращены на стартовую вкладку настроек. Нажмите кнопку «Сохранить».

Как видно из инструкции, вводить старый пароль при этом не требуется. Поэтому вы можете изменить его, даже если забыли тот, что был раньше. Но это возможно лишь в том случае, когда в вашем браузере установлен персональный сертификат Вебмани, при помощи которого и происходит авторизация в кипере. При отсутствии такого сертификата вы просто не сможете зайти в кошелек и потребуется восстановление доступа.

В программе WinPro смена аналогична и происходит через меню «Инструменты», раздел «Параметры программы», вкладка «Безопасность».

Новый пароль начнет действовать, когда вы выйдете и снова авторизуетесь в программе. При этом если вы используете e-num для подтверждения, вам нужно заново загрузить туда ключи, поскольку иначе в системе будут храниться старые данные о входе и e-num работать не будет.


Response version

The supported response versions:

Version Value Description Date format
1.0 10 the version corresponds with the outdated compatibility mode «Simple compatibility 2012-04» dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss
1.1 11 the version corresponds with the outdated compatibility mode «Not required» dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss
2.0 20 a transitional version, which contains values from versions 1.1 and 3.0 dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss
3.0 30 the current version yyyy-MM-ddTHH:ss:mm.fffK


If the operation is successful, the authentication ticket will be redirected to the return page url:

Name Supported version Comments Description
WmLogin_AuthType [1.0, 3.0) 3.0 > ver ≥ 1.0 authentication method, see
WmLogin_Created [1.0,) ver ≥ 1.0 the authentication ticket creation time in the UTC time format
WmLogin_Expires [1.0,) ver ≥ 1.0 the ticket expire time in the UTC time format
WmLogin_Factor1 [2.0,) ver ≥ 2.0 the 1st factor, see
WmLogin_Factor1_PasswordType [2.0,) ver ≥ 2.0 the password type, if WmLogin_Factor1 = Password, see
WmLogin_Factor1_EnumType [2.0,) ver ≥ 2.0 the E-num type, if WmLogin_Factor1 = Enum, see
WmLogin_Factor2 [2.0,) ver ≥ 2.0 the 2nd factor, see
WmLogin_Factor2_EnumType [2.0,) ver ≥ 2.0 the E-num type, if WmLogin_Factor2 = Enum, see
WmLogin_Flags [1.0,) ver ≥ 1.0 additional flags, see
WmLogin_LastAccess [1.0,) ver ≥ 1.0 the last access to the ticket in the UTC time format
WmLogin_ReadId [1.0,) ver ≥ 1.0 the ticket identifier for external API sites, which is checked via user authentication service for ReadId
WmLogin_Ticket [1.0,) ver ≥ 1.0 the authentication ticket, matches the regular command [a-zA-Z0-9 / $] {32}, which is checked on the server via online security services
WmLogin_UrlID [1.0,) ver ≥ 1.0 the return url ID for POST
WmLogin_UserAddress [1.0,) ver ≥ 1.0 the incoming IP address, which was used for sending the authentication request
WmLogin_Version [1.0,) ver ≥ 1.0 the response version
WmLogin_WMID [1.0,) ver ≥ 1.0 the user WMID


If a user cancelled authentication during the authentication process, the response format will be as follows:

  • WmLogin_KeeperRetStr — the result identifier string: Cancelled
  • WmLogin_KeeperRetVal — the result code: 4

Redirection after a log out

If a user requested to log out and after that returned to the website, the following response format will be used:

  • WmLogin_KeeperRetStr — a string result identifier: LoggedOff
  • WmLogin_KeeperRetVal — result code 5



Authentication method. Values:

Id Name Description Comment
1 KeeperClassic authentication via WebMoney Keeper WinPro (Classic)
2 KeeperLight authentication using a Webney Keeper WebPro certificate (Light)
3 Enum authentication via the E-num service not in use
4 Telepat authentication via the telepat service
5 Fingerprint authentication by fingerprint not in use
6 KeeperMini authentication via WebMoney Keeper Standard (Mini)
7 EnumViaSms authentication via the E-num service using SMS not in use
8 KeeperMiniSocial authentication via social networks (WebMoney Keeper Standard)
9 PasswordSms authentication by a password with confirmation


The first factor — authentication. Values:

Id Name Desription Comment
None absent factor not in use
1 Password password see PasswordType
2 Signature WebMoney Keeper WinPro (Classic) signature
3 X509Certificate WebMoney Keeper WebPro (Light) certificate
4 Social social network account
5 Enum E-num account not in use, see EnumType


The second factor — confirmation. Value:

Id Name Description Comment
-1 Unavailable information about the factor is unavailable not in use
None absent factor
1 Sms password
2 Enum E-num account see EnumType


Password type. Values:

Id Name Description
Unspecified the password type is not specified
1 WebPro WebMoney Keeper WebPro (Light) password
2 WinPro WebMoney Keeper WinPro (Classic) password
3 Standard WebMoney Keeper Standard (Mini) password
4 Mobile WebMoney Keeper Mobile (Telepat) password


E-num type. Values:

Id Name Description Comment
Unspecified E-num type not specified
1 Application E-num application
2 Sms E-num via SMS not in use
3 Fingerprint fingerprint not in use


Additional flags. There are can be a few flags divided by ‘,’ (coma). Values:

Lot № Name Description
N/A None no flags
N/A booked
1 RealmWantCrossCheck the website requests to «Confirm operations»
2 UserWantCrossCheck the user requests to «Confirm operations»
3 CrossCheckDone confirmed
4 N/A booked
5 CachedAuthentication the authentication was completed based on the saved details
6 QuietAuthentication the «silent» authentication was completed based on the saved details

Examples of a response content


Version 1.0:

WmLogin_AuthType KeeperLight
WmLogin_Created 12.01.2015 14:25:22
WmLogin_Expires 12.01.2015 15:25:22
WmLogin_Flags RealmWantCrossCheck, UserWantCrossCheck, CachedAuthentication
WmLogin_LastAccess 12.01.2015 14:25:22
WmLogin_ReadId R4G9izsZWeCBU2N2UDmaPUG5pNGzj1dWUkSpZZM6mdE71NNxvRWd5H9mh4wTrb3o2RnK2dfyoist2BNtAHtY3uB
WmLogin_Ticket AAue4ZuLBEaVsQr8k1B7PKQ5C3TJ5NUMk47D3tgJpa4kHQsA
WmLogin_UrlID 7afa5173-bddb-453a-adce-99fb012ceb71
WmLogin_Version 10
WmLogin_WMID 123456789012

Version 1.1:

WmLogin_AuthType PasswordSms
WmLogin_Created 12.01.2015 14:27:33
WmLogin_Expires 12.01.2015 15:27:33
WmLogin_Flags RealmWantCrossCheck, UserWantCrossCheck, CrossCheckDone
WmLogin_LastAccess 12.01.2015 14:27:33
WmLogin_ReadId R4G9izsZWeCBU2N2UDmaPUG5pNGzj1dWUkSpZZM6mdE71NNxvRWd5H9mh4wTrb3o2RnK2dfyoist2BNtAHtY3uB
WmLogin_Ticket AAue4ZuLBEaVsQr8k1B7PKQ5C3TJ5NUMk47D3tgJpa4kHQsA
WmLogin_UrlID 7afa5173-bddb-453a-adce-99fb012ceb71
WmLogin_Version 11
WmLogin_WMID 123456789012

Version 2.0:

WmLogin_AuthType PasswordSms
WmLogin_Created 12.01.2015 14:28:38
WmLogin_Expires 12.01.2015 15:28:38
WmLogin_Factor1 Password
WmLogin_Factor1_PasswordType WebPro
WmLogin_Factor2 Enum
WmLogin_Factor2_EnumType Application
WmLogin_Flags RealmWantCrossCheck, UserWantCrossCheck, CrossCheckDone
WmLogin_LastAccess 12.01.2015 14:28:38
WmLogin_ReadId R4G9izsZWeCBU2N2UDmaPUG5pNGzj1dWUkSpZZM6mdE71NNxvRWd5H9mh4wTrb3o2RnK2dfyoist2BNtAHtY3uB
WmLogin_Ticket AAue4ZuLBEaVsQr8k1B7PKQ5C3TJ5NUMk47D3tgJpa4kHQsA
WmLogin_UrlID 7afa5173-bddb-453a-adce-99fb012ceb72
WmLogin_Version 20
WmLogin_WMID 123456789012

Version 3.0:

WmLogin_Created 2015-01-12T14:31:29.997Z
WmLogin_Expires 2015-01-12T15:31:29.997Z
WmLogin_Factor1 Password
WmLogin_Factor1_PasswordType WebPro
WmLogin_Factor2 Enum
WmLogin_Factor2_EnumType Application
WmLogin_Flags RealmWantCrossCheck, UserWantCrossCheck, CrossCheckDone
WmLogin_LastAccess 2015-01-12T14:31:29.997Z
WmLogin_ReadId R4G9izsZWeCBU2N2UDmaPUG5pNGzj1dWUkSpZZM6mdE71NNxvRWd5H9mh4wTrb3o2RnK2dfyoist2BNtAHtY3uB
WmLogin_Ticket AAue4ZuLBEaVsQr8k1B7PKQ5C3TJ5NUMk47D3tgJpa4kHQsA
WmLogin_UrlID 7afa5173-bddb-453a-adce-99fb012ceb73
WmLogin_Version 30
WmLogin_WMID 123456789012


  • Interface X1 — Sending Invoice from merchant to customer
  • Interface X2 — Transferring funds from one purse to another
  • Interface X3 — Receiving the History of Transactions; checking Transaction status
  • Interface X4 — Receiving the history of issued invoices. Verifying whether invoices were paid
  • Interface X5 — Completing a code-protected transaction. Entering a protection code
  • Interface X6 — Sending message to random WM-identifier via internal mail
  • Interface X7 — Verifying client’s handwritten signature – owner of WM Keeper WinPro
  • Interface X8 — Retrieving information about purse ownership. Searching for system user by his/her identifier or purse
  • Interface X9 — Retrieving information about purse balance
  • Interface X10 — Retrieving list of invoices for payment
  • Interface X11 — Retrieving information from client’s passport by WM-identifier
  • Interface X12 — Importing statement of a purse into a 1C document
  • Interface X13 — Recalling incomplete protected transaction
  • Interface X14 — Fee-free refund
  • Interface X15 — Viewing and changing settings of “by trust” management
  • Interface X16 — Creating a purse
  • Interface X17 — Operations with arbitration contracts
  • Interface X18 — Getting transaction details via merchant.webmoney
  • Interface X19 — Verifying personal information for the owner of a WM identifier
  • Interface_X20 — Making transactions through the merchant.webmoney service without leaving the seller’s site (resource, service, application)
  • Interface_X21 — Setting trust for merchant payments by SMS
  • Interface_X22 — Receiving the ticket of prerequest payment form at merchant.webmoney
  • Interface_X23 — Rejection of received invoices/cancellation of issued invoices.

See also: XML-interfaces to top-up WMZ and WMEWebMoney root certificateMerchant WebMoney TransferExt WMKeeperExplanation of rules for active advertising systems

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